Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey guys. I saw a movie.

I went and saw Paranormal Activity last night....with this lady.

Anyway, it was a sold out midnight showing, and it was totally bananas. It was so much fun! I would definitely recommend it. There were a few people that didn't like it. The couple walking out in front of us were saying, "Like, that would scare me if I were in seventh grade. Yeah, it creeped me out a little bit." There was also a comic-book-guy type screaming something like, "Give me Saw V, Saw VI, Saw VII anyday!" I guess he didn't like it either. Other than that though, everyone was super into it, including that lady up there. There were a lot of whispers of, "holy shit" and "fuck that". Winfrey seal of approval.

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