Saturday, February 28, 2009


Sorry I haven't been posting today (or yesterday)...I've been too busy experiencing culture. Namely the Kanye West episode of Storytellers. Did you hear about all the controversy he stirred up? It was a lot. But I didn't care about the controversy, I just cared about the incoherant, nonsensical rambling. And there was a lot of it! Here is one clip. This probably isn't the best one, but this special just aired, like, half an hour ago so it's hard to find what I want. Get off my back, Alex.


The real reason that I made this post was to completely remove Kerry's presence.  Mission accomplished.  The second reason I made this post is that I wanted to talk about this trailer that I saw awhile ago and had been meaning to post.  Parts of it remind me of Bellville.  Also, it was filmed in Ohio.  It looks pretty cool.
Suck it, Kerry.

Baby geniuses

This baby knew what the audience wanted.  PS this is another Godtube clip.

After this clip, the baby went home and sat in his recliner.  He thought to himself, "That's the last time."  


As a college student, I don't have a lot of extra cash.  The extra cash I do have, I try to save until I need to spend it on food.  However, I'm shelling out the $11.19 it costs to buy Eugene Mirman's new book, and you should too (if you're Kerry (which you probably are) then you actually should not do this because I will already have bought it and you can just borrow my copy).  Until I get it, I just keep re-watching this video.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Late Oscars Post

Remember that part in the Oscars where Bill Maher came out and was a douche?  Remember how that almost ruined the really cool tribute by Albert Maysles to this years nominated documentary directors?  Apart from that, I felt like this was a very disappointing year for montages at the Oscars.  Kerry said that she could watch Mickey Rourke dancing to Lovers in Japan by Coldplay all day, but I just wasn't feeling it.  There were clips from Twilight shown during the Oscars.  That's all I'm going to say.  This (and the fact that I finally got to finish The Thin Blue Line) got me thinking about the short film that Errol Morris made for the 2002 Academy Awards, and how it was actually good.  What I'm trying to say is maybe they shouldn't let Seniors at Full Sail University make montages for the Oscars.

Crispin Glover

This is a song from Crispin Glover's album, which I guess was all a big puzzle.  If you solved the puzzle, you could call this number and tell them.  Then, if you were correct, I think Crispin Glover would actually call you and be like, "Yeah, good job.  You figured it out."  I know for a fact that at least 1o people figured it out.  Anyway, I really like the rhyming in this song.  Also, I like how his voice sounds a little bit like Weird Al

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kerry's Boyfriend

I told him not to post this video, but that guy is like, really determined to do what he wants.  So I decided I would post it here for all of you to see.
Seriously.  I'm not very good at guitar, but even I can figure out the strumming pattern of that song.  Also, I know for a fact that he is not using all of the right chords.  I'm just saying...


Kerry didn't mention that the cowboy look doesn't work for everyone.  One such person is Mr. Robert Rodriguez, who is pictured above.  You're nice and everything, and you made a movie that your kid pretty much wrote, but how about you just don't look like a cowboy for a little while.  Maybe just try it out.  Also, try not to make a new Predator movie.  

Style Blog!

A topic that Alex and I haven't discussed much on the blog is fashion. Which is weird, because we are both so stylish! Okay, to be fair, Alex kind of does dress nicely. I just dress like a 17 year old boy all the time. I know I'm no authority, but I would like to discuss one my favorite looks: cowboy.
Why more people don't dress like a modern cowboy is beyond me. It is a look that is flattering to all and pretty cheap to attain. All you need is a hat and some weird facial hair and you're done. Bonus points for a vest or boots.
My favorite example of the cowboy look (and one of my favorite writers!) is Richard Brautigan.

You'll find another good example of the cowboy look in this clip from David Letterman. It's Captain Beefheart, obvs. I really love David Letterman and his interviews. This one is so awesome. I wish people like Captain Beefheart still made music. Captain Beefheart himself has just holed up somewhere, and I don't see anyone around who's ready to become the New Beefheart.

Captain Beefheart is my new obsession. It's safe to say you'll be seeing a lot more of him around this blog. Do you know how often I am going to say, "I wish I knew who was doing that. They need a spankin'?" Pretty often.

What is this?

Whoah you guys.  What is this movie?  In a way, I'm excited that I found it, and then in another way I'm sad, because it couldn't have been very good if I've never heard about it.  Here's the trailer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Was this a popular video?  If not, then why not.  If so, then why have I not seen it yet?  Either way, I know for a fact that Kerry will like this.

The New Rickroll

Have you seen the new Rick Astley video?  

Oh!  See how effective that was?  Let's get this started!

Hot Rod Stewart

This doesn't need any explanation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Da Oscars!

As Alex already said, it's obviously too late for an Oscars liveblog. But little did you know, we have our own equivalent of a liveblog every year during the Oscars! It's called a "conversation," and it occurs via text. Of course we only discuss the deepest of shit. Here are some of Alex's pithy bon mots that I wanted to share with the world:
9:16 PM: Nice T's, SJP.
9:38: How long do you think it will take for Danny Boyle's chubby to die down?
10:06: Does he have weird eyebrows.

Ooops, I must've deleted all the insightful comments about film and just left the ones about boners, boobs, and eyebrows. Oh well! You get the picture. Also, we texted about the wonderful cookies Mom made, which maybe wasn't related to film but was just straight up fact.


I had no idea the trailer would be out so soon!  Here it is.  I don't know if it will be good.  You can tell this is going to be Judd Apatow's most emotional movie because it has the most camera movement.  

Oscars Livebloggin'!

Just kidding.  It's too late for that, but you can bet the Winfreys were there almost every step of the way last night.  For the short amount of time that I wasn't completely there, I saw this..

I think it was worth it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I can't heeear you!

Can you say 100th post?  I sure hope you can.  Oh, wow.  It's just like, a matter of choosing my words carefully.  Okay, here we go...
This is a very funny web series that I think more people should watch.  This is the best way that I know of to reach a wide audience.  So here you go.  Spread the word, and watch more episodes because they just get better as they go on.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Alls I'm Saying Is

Eric Stoltz must have been pretty hot shit in 1995.

Because he was not even close to being the star of that movie. Not that I'm saying he wasn't one of the best parts. Because he was one of the best parts. He added his creepy, softspoken charm to the role, just as he does in every project. But he was still hardly in that movie at all.
Since I've graduated, I've found myself relating more and more to Kicking and Screaming. I'm not as smart or as male as the characters, but I think it's hard not to identify with them when you are in a transitory phase. Also, I've been talking about the Will Ferrell version in this paragraph. Sorry for any confusion.

I'm glad that the trailer doesn't give you any illusions about how 90s this movie is. It is super 90s. And even though I kind of feel like Kicking and Screaming maybe is some sort of precursor to the whole mumblecore thing, I still love it.
Also, Chris Eigeman. My secret, creepy crush ever since I saw him on Malcolm in the Middle as a child.

I enjoy this sort of thing.

I enjoy doodles. Sketches. Call them what you will. Everyone in my family was bitten with the visual arts bug, except for me. Alex is forever sending me picture texts of little David Lynches that he's drawn in the margins of his notes. I always sadly save them on my phone and then bemoan my own lack of artistic ability. I'm not saying I'm not creative (because, obviously, this blog was started to showcase the extraordinary talents of all Winfreys), but I am saying that I can't draw at all.
But, oh, how I wish I could. Because I think this is a wonderful idea.
Lil' Jon's is, obviously,the best. Probably because of its coloring book style.

My least favorite? John Goodman's, only because of the emphasis on his weight. Okay, sure, so maybe John Goodman is becoming precariously large. But I feel like this detracts from the overall celebratory feeling.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just Watch This.

Okay, so I know that this video is not embedded (it was all, "Video embedding disabled," WHATEVER!) and I don't know how to do those fancy links, but please,please, please just watch this.
I've been cooking (read: depressed) a lot this week, which has made me feel a special kinship with Julia Child. Except that I make recipes like "Barbecue Sweet and Sour Chicken" and she, probably, did not.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Rights of the Accordian

So this new season of Flight of the Conchords has just been okay and blah, blah, blah whatever.  Anyway, this last episode was directed by Michel Gondry, and it was pretty solid.  It featured this song, which I like very much!  It helps that it looks so cool.  

As good as this episode was, it was overshadowed by East Bound and Down which had me rolling on the floor ROFLing!  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V-day!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Star Trek Eternal Flame

I wish that I could show this to someone 15 years ago, and say, "This is what the internet is for."  This is so stupid, but it still makes me laugh.

Exactly what you think it will be like

Oh, you know. Just David Lynch singing while wearing a cowboy hat.

For your health dummy

"The scrotal area can also get hot and sweaty when it's sandwiched between the legs and bike seat."
This is a sentence that I just read in a health assignment.  Wow.  All those words combined into one sentence.  

Listen up

I'ma say this once, and once only.  Make sure you watch Delocated, because it's a great show and I don't want it to get canceled for a long time.  "But Alex, isn't the ski mask thing and the voice changer thing going to get old after awhile?"  Um, shut up and also no.  The show was seriously like, 10 minutes long.  What else are you doing 10:30-10:40 on a Thursday night?  Just watch it

In other news, Jason Schwartzman is going to be in a new HBO show called Bored to Death?  Apparently he plays an alcoholic writer who pretends to be a private eye.  Oh, and Zach Galifianakis will play his best friend, a struggling comic book artist.  Try not to cream your pants guys.  

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did You Forget About This?

Here's a video that's near and dear to my heart. It reminds me of a lot of good things. Watching entire discs of Degrassi Junior High with Dan in one sitting, mostly. It was while we were heavy in a Degrassi haze that we stumbled across this video. We were particularly entranced by the way it's super racist. But as the saying goes, you shouldn't blame a Cyndi Lauper song for a Cyndi Lauper video's transgressions.

On Why I Couldn't Marry Ryan Adams

So, I don't really listen to much new music. You got me. I'd rather listen to 80s era Prince most of the time. And when I am listening to music, new or old, I generally like the performers to have a great deal of flash. Perhaps elaborate stage sets, or a semi-autobiographical movie called Purple Rain. I think the only current, regular musical artist that I'm really into is Ryan Adams. I dig his music. But would I want to marry him? Well, no. Not really. Yet that is exactly what Mandy Moore is attempting to do. Here is a text message exchange between Alex and I:
Me: Ryan Adams is engaged to Mandy Moore whaaaaat
Alex: I don't blame him. I do blame her.
Me: I wonder what they talk about.
Alex: How much they miss each other,and how similar that is to the way they miss candy.

All joking aside, I would not want to marry Ryan Adams. Here's an interview that I originally thought would prove my point, but actually it proved an entirely different point. That point being that this interview and interviewer are awesome. Alex,see if you can figure out my favorite line.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Walking through the park...

and reminiscing.  I found this video today, and it brought back a flood of memories.  Memories of a happier time.  I hope you all enjoy this.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My strategy

A lot of times I'll just type in something that interests me into youtube.  For example, farts.  Sometimes, if I'm feeling adventurous, I'll do pizza or classical guitar.  I found this amazing video today by searching for Shark.  I don't think I really need to say anything about it.  Just read the info.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sorry dude.  You like like Michael Cera in that you are a guy.  Also, you chose to wear a similar outfit which was a nice touch.  If that kid were my friend, I would not be like, "This is my friend Alex.  Doesn't he look like Michael Cera!?"  I would be like, "This is my friend Alex.  Doesn't he look like he should play a young kid in a commercial."

I'm back.

I was without internet for a day or so there.  As hard as it was for me, I know it was much harder for all of you.  Anyway, this weekend I was pretty busy doin' stuff.  This is one of the movies that was produced during Ohio University's 48 hour shootout.  If the movie I worked on is put up on youtube, I will be sure to post it.  Until then, enjoy this movie, which came in second place.
It's pretty good until what the hell at the end.  I don't want to say it guys, so I will cough it.  Co(mumblecore)ugh.

Friday, February 6, 2009


This....I'm speechless.  Just, let's look at this and then forget it ever happened.

Time out from all the hatin'

Because I just found a character that the whole Winfrey family loves.  I didn't even have to consult anyone.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I mean seriously.

Sometimes Lily Tomlin does all the work for us.

Lily Tomlin, how am I supposed to take you seriously as a pioneering lady comedian if you star in movies with Bette Midler? Dressed like that? Get real, Tomlin.


This is probably my favorite video because of how concerned the kid is after it happens.  His hushed voice saying, "Oh sh....Oh crap.  Oh crap," will probably haunt my dreams.  Check out his profile for all types of fart lighting videos.


Dear Reader, 
I'm not going to sugarcoat this.  We are hurting here.  I guess it's just the recession, or whatever, but I thought we had a good thing going!  Look, I know the internet isn't free, but seriously, what we have here is worth it.  Anyway, in the interest of getting some more traffic going I decided to resort to some extreme tactics.  I'm not proud of this, but I heard it is the best way to draw people in.  We here at The Talented Winfrey Family officially declare a feud between us and Lily Tomlin (aka Idiot).  Wish us luck.

Sorry, No Thanks

Did you see what I did there?  I altered the title of this movie!  Get it, because I have no interest in seeing this movie.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I found Alex's tumblr:
Okay, just kidding, but now he really can't get a tumblr because I'm pretty sure that's the name he would have picked. Also, this person clearly put a lot of work into their fan tumblr and they deserve to be recognized.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

If This Is It

This weekend, H. introduced me to a Huey Lewis cover that he found on Stereogum a long time ago. I realize how lame it is to repost something that was originally posted in June of last year, but sorry, I just now heard about this. Boy, I done WENT to college, I can't be as internet-savvy as you anymore. Anyway, the cover is by a band called Throw Me the Statue. You can guess why I like this song: the horn section that sounds like That Microphones Song I Like, and the fact that it's a Huey Lewis cover. Here's a link to the original post.

B.J. Junkie

H. visited Winfrey Family HQ this weekend. We got ice cream (okay, sorbet for him because he refuses to tolerate lactose. He should really be more tolerant, you guys) and saw Slumdog Millionaire. I'm not going to bother saying anything about Slumdog Millionaire other than it was good. You're on the internet, you don't need me to tell you about Slumdog Millionaire. Instead, I will tell you a story. I had to sleep on the couch last night because our guest took my bed and the Winfrey household is, among other things, a Presumed Chastity Zone. This morning when I woke up, I immediately turned the television to VH1 Classic and found a Billy Joel video for a song I didn't know, You're Only Human. Basically the premise of the video is that Billy Joel is a sort of Ghost of Christmas Future figure, and also a bad actor. I tried to find it so I could post it here, but guess what, guys? Billy Joel does not allow his videos to be embedded. I don't know why. I don't understand most of what Billy Joel does, and I probably never will. Here is the link, if you're curious.
Also, you should already know this, but Billy Joel and Elton John are touring together. Alex calls it the Big Gay Wet Dream Tour.

Mountain Breakfast

Just a couple of guys, preparing a mountain breakfast.  Nothing weird here.  Except for the guys.  I'm not going to ask you to watch all of this.  I think the first 8 seconds pretty much sum up what follows.  Johntabbot, the sole commentator on this video, said it best.  "you people are gross"

Nice Weather

It is very nice today.  I don't need a coat when I go outside.  Of course, this got me thinking about camping and hiking and whatever.  The short of it is I found this video or Bear Grylls on youtube.  It's funny because he really does get naked a lot.  It was posted by BearGryllsFansite.  I guess that makes sense.  

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