Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Limited time offer!

This is exciting. For a limited time only, if you email a picture of yourself to aw308107@ohio.edu you will be sketched by not one, but two Winfreys. I'm not going to say which Winfreys will be doing the sketching, because frankly I don't know. Let the pictures come streaming in. We're ready.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Hath My Sick Day Wrought?

Today is my second sick day in a week. I'm sick, you guys! It's the worst. So I'm doing something I wouldn't normally be doing if I were in full health (or maybe I would. I don't know). I'm watching a VH1 Michael Jackson retrospective (sad). We all know We Are the World, but do we really KNOW We Are the World? I didn't until I watched it in its entirety. It's long! Really long! And oh man, Cyndi Lauper loves to do celebrity singalongs, doesn't she? I think 2009 is sorely in need of a celebrity singalong. God knows we have enough tragedies to sing them about.

Obviously this song is horrible, but look at Kenny Rogers! Just look at him!


At this point, talking about how bad the new Transformers movie is is like shooting dead horses in a bucket. No one likes it. Yet somehow, everyone likes it. It made the money, and somewhere Michael Bay is smiling, and probably farting, because he seems to be into that. I knew this movie was going to be bad, but I didn't think it could really be that bad. I don't know who to blame for this film, and I feel bad pointing fingers at anyone, but I can honestly say that this is the only time I have ever felt bad for supporting a film with my money.

I knew things were going to be bad when I saw the robot that farted, and I LOVE farts. These robot farts just seemed...oh, I don't know, immature? Then things got worse. There was a scene of two dogs humping each other while sitting on top of a birdhouse that was elevated at least four feet from the ground. This shot was literally about 1.5 seconds long, and occured in the middle of an intense battle scene. In case you were wondering, there was no explanation as to how those dogs got up there, or how they intended to get down. They probably farted each other off the birdhouse and landed on the soft cushion of Megan Fox's cleavage.

It felt like this film was written at a middleschool slumber party. Kevin convinced Zach to turn off the softcore porn long enough to drink some Red Bull and pound out the screen play, and then they shot it the next morning, boners still intact. Oh, and it was blatantly racist.

You know how sometimes, people are like, "That cartoon is racist!" and you're like, "Yeah, I guess maybe it could be...?" Well, there's no question here. These two characters are twins named Skids and Mudflap, and they speak in the style of a horrible African American stereotype. In addition to this, they have huge buck teeth, and large ears. They also admit that they, "don't do much readin'." Jesus Christ. It's not just the robots either. There is an African American man who works at a deli that looks like a human version of these characters, complete with buck teeth.

The crazy thing is, there were some interesting people in this movie. A.D. Miles was in it! Tom Kenney voiced one of the twins! Steve Buscemi voiced a little robot! John Turturro! What happened? The movie didn't even follow its own ridiclous logic, and it wasn't even fun-bad. It was just insultingly terrible and long and boring. I offered myself completely to this movie, and it dry humped me for 150 minutes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Music & Lyrics

I like romantic comedies. You got me. This hasn't been the first time I've confessed to something embarrassing on this blog, and it probably won't be the last. My biggest romantic comedy problem, though, isn't the shame associated with watching them, but who to see them with. H. doesn't like romantic comedies unless they involve Michael Cera, and most of my friends (all two of them) don't live in this town. So I go with Alex. I mean, that's normal, right? It's such a cliche! Guys always being dragged to chick flicks with their sisters!
We saw Music and Lyrics a long time ago, is what I'm saying here. This was how the movie opened and somehow we were the only ones in the theatre laughing. The movie wasn't very good (in that the leads had no chemistry and the plot was very silly) but also the movie WAS very good (there were some weird songs and it was a little funny how obvious it was that Hugh Grant wasn't ever actually singing).

You'll see that I took this video from Alex's personal website.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Watched It: Spring Breakdown

About three years ago, I was reading an issue of Bust magazine with Amy Poehler on the cover. In her interview, she talked about a new movie she had just finished filming. It also starred Rachel Dratch, Parker Posey, and Amber Tamblyn, and I was excited about it. "I can't wait," I thought to myself right before a flash-forward occurred that took me to the year 2009. That was when Spring Breakdown was finally released...straight to DVD.

Spring Breakdown was great. Okay, there were some problems, which I will address right now. First off, the entire movie was directed as if it were a kid's film. Secondly, it was a liiiittle cheesy. Thirdly, dated slang, which could probably be blamed on the fact that this movie was written like 5,000 years ago. But none of these crimes justify a straight to DVD release. This movie was really funny, you guys. I mean, Parker Posey was a revelation. Parker Posey is always a revelation. And I honestly think that Missi Pyle found the role of a lifetime. Also, I don't want to ruin anything for you, but Wilson Phillips is featured prominently, and if you've seen Harold & Kumar Go to Whitecastle, you know that can only lead to comedy bliss.
I would link to the trailer, but it doesn't really do the movie any favors. Also, Warner Bros. has the embedding disabled, because as we all know they don't understand how the internet works as a promotional tool. But you should really, really, really see this movie. It helped me to reaffirm why I never went on any spring break trips, and it was nice to see a movie about women like me (I am referring to all the flashbacks to the three of them in college, of course).
In closing, here's this. He hated it, but look at what he's wearing.

PS- Guess who's in this movie? Ann from Arrested Development and Millie from Freaks and Geeks.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

There's Somethin' Really Beautiful About That Frozen Goods Line

I know you're hurting, world. I realize that several days without a blog post is a long time for you, okay? But we have lives. Big, important, busy lives. I mean, yeah, I WANT to post a new post about Carrie Brownstein and how awesome she is, but sorry, I just spent all evening eating the pulled pork sandwiches that Alex made using Bobby Flay's (I almost typed Booby Flay's) barbecue sauce recipe. We've been so busy slowly clogging our arteries and playing frisbee (in Alex and Chase's case, not mine. Also Chase calls it Fro-Bo) and watching the first season of Maude (finally, the intro with sound AND video) that we haven't had time to blog.
Just kidding. Duh. Alex might have things to do but I certainly don't. So until I get around to writing that Carrie Brownstein post, here's a video to show you why that post is necessary. You've probably already seen this (who's 'you'? Who am I talking to?), but watch it again, okay? I had a hard time deciding which video to post. They're all so funny, but this one made a Dan Fogelberg reference so it wins.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just so Y'all Know

There IS actually a clip of the Maude intro on Youtube. But SOMEONE took off the audio. I'll give you one guess as to who it was.


It's time to celebrate, you guys! Little Alex finished his first year of college. That means he's coming home as I type and summer can finally begin. Also, I forgot to mention it, but awhile ago we had our one year Blog-o-versary. I'm ignoring that months-long stretch of time where we didn't post anything, just like one of those couples who breaks up and then starts going out again but still celebrates an anniversary as if they've been together the whole time.
The point of this is to say: Now that Alex is home from college, I'm not sure what our posting schedule will be like (we never had a schedule. I don't know what I'm talking about). But I do know that we're going to be getting a Netflix account, so look forward to some weird, unhelpful, and extremely subjective movie reviews. This is one of the first things I want to see. We'll see if Alex goes for it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This is sad. I'm a big Roger Ebert fan. He looks so happy though! Like, he does not look like the same person at all. The old Roger Ebert always looked kind of like, "Really? You liked that movie?" This Roger Ebert looks a lot more like, "I'm glad to be alive!" Also, Leonard Maltin!

Nilsson Schmilsson

Deep in a Harry Nilsson phase right now. For me, a combo of interesting personal story and catchy pop music always leads to a lethal obsession. All Harry Nilsson songs are good, obviously, but this one is haunting me. I know this is in a movie that we've seen a lot, but I can't remember what it is.

Best TV Themes/Intros, Part 2

Kerry did her thing, and now it's time to bring out the big guns. I'm not even going to put the Murder She Wrote Intro on here. We all know how everyone feels about that. Everyone loves it. So here's one to kick it off.
It's Growing Pains everybody!
I don't think I need to explain why I like this, but if you can't figure it out, I'll give you a hint. It starts with, "Oooh," and it ends with, "show me that smile."

Next up we have an (not so) old Winfrey favorite. The Gilmore Girls! See if you can spot the trend.
That's right! Sassy, yet smooth background vocals! I'm a sucker for them, and you are too whether you know it or not.

This is my favorite theme song ever. It's so majestic. To be fair, I think I just like it because of this, but I included it anyway.

Finally, we have a forgotten gem. By "forgotten gem" I mean I've never even heard of this show. I just like the music.

It's very reminiscent of the intro for Who's the Boss, but more inspirational! Listening to this song is the equivalent of having Bruce Springsteen pat you on the back. Bonus points for smooth backing vocals.
That's all I've got for now. Do with it what you will.
I'm done with college. For good.

Best TV Themes/Intros, Part 1.

Alex and I love TV themes. I know for a fact that one of us went through a pretty heavy "Murder She Wrote" theme phase (hint: it wasn't me). Anyway, here are my favorite television themes. Some of them I like for the song, but I enjoy the ones that tell some backstory!
Like this one: Perfect Strangers. Also, I CANNOT buy that Cousin Larry is just now moving out of his family's home. Dude looks 35.

Degrassi Junior High: This one plays in my head every morning. Gee, I gotta go to school.

This isn't really the intro, but I just wanted to let Alex know that FINALLY here's a version of the song that isn't from Family Guy. For some reason this used to be so hard to find!


Who's the Boss?: It gets realllll creepy at right about :26...

Okay, those are my favorites. Alex, get on it!

Errol Morris

I'm kind of surprised Kerry isn't more into Errol Morris. He seems like a real character, and he's friends with Werner Herzog! Anyway, I found this video of him talking about his five favorite films. Of course these are his five favorite films. He's Errol Morris.

Duplass Update.

I don't know if y'all have seen the trailer for Humpday or not, but it's supposed to be pretty good.

Firstly it has one of the bros in it. Secondly, it totally reminds me of my friends and I (we always get in these wacky situations). I'll see it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Uncomfortable Work Jam, Volume I

There are some songs that, when they come on the soft rock radio at work, make me so uncomfortable that I can't focus on what I'm doing. Maybe you don't listen to soft rock at your job, but just imagine any instance of being confined in a small space with a few other people while being forced to listen to creepy lyrics. It's weird. Here are the top 3 songs on my Uncomfortable Work Jams mix.
John Mayer: Your Body is a Wonderland. It should be obvious why.

Heart: All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You. Once this came on while I was at the orthodontist. That was years ago, but I still remember it as one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life. "I am the flower, you are the seed. We walked in the garden, we planted a tree." Are you serious, Heart? Also you have to sign into Youtube to view this, so you KNOW it's going to be weird.

And the grandaddy of them all. I literally leave my desk whenever this song comes on because I can't take it. I just walk around the hallway or go to the bathroom or whatever. Anything to avoid this song!

My little self.

As a child, I saw a ton of movies that I probably should not have seen. First of all, why did they have children's toys for the Aliens series? Every one of those films had a hard R rating. I don't know if it was the chestbursting scenes, or the second-mouth stabbing into someone's forehead, but I don't think they were really targeted toward first graders. Regardless of who they were meant for, I watched them. Oh, and I loved them. Because of my love for these movies, I had a deep admiration for Mrs. Sigourney Weaver. Totally normal, right?
Anyway, I remember watching Aliens all the way through the credits to see if there was an address where I could send her a fan letter. I also remember some kid at school telling me that he knew Sigourney Weaver, and that he could get me an autographed picture for a couple bucks. Again, that makes sense for a first grader. I was so excited, but I had to raise some money first. I told my mom about it, and for some reason she seemed to think it was a scam. Listen mom, someone named Rusty would never try to scam me. I remember when he finally showed me the goods. For some reason, he made us go into the little boys bathroom. It was like some kind of shady drug deal, only this was a fraudulent autograph. It looked something like this.

He told me that she was out of real pictures. I was a little suspicious at this point. Sigourney Weaver had to be a better artist than this. Also, this technically wasn't even an autograph. I mean, she never wrote her name anywhere on it. Needless to say, as a first grade boy, this made me feel kind of strange. I mean, I guess I was flattered she thought I was sexxy, but that was really the last thing I wanted. I just wanted an autographed picture of this strong, independent woman. I don't think I bought it, and that's my Sigourney Weaver story. Here's a nice tribute to her.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winfrey Confessions

I like the Duplass brothers.  Real Talk.  

Look, guys, I'm with you.  I hate mumblecore.  I hate that dumb word, and I really don't like the movies.  I think it's really cool that they have their own little community that supports itself, and I like their insistence that anyone can make a movie, but I just don't like it.  Firstly, I feel like how many of these movies can you actually see?  Secondly, and I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like something that is trying so hard to be sincere and honest ends up seeming like a parody of itself.  (This old thing)  Anyway, I really like the Duplass Bros.  Before, I've just been like, "Yeah.  I liked The Puffy Chair," but I really liked it.  And I've seen Baghead at least twice.  I think the Bros seem like really smart guys who understand acting and filmmaking, but they also have a sense of humor about it, which I think someone like Joe Swanberg is lacking.  What I'm trying to say is, I wish the Du Bros the best of luck in the future and I will always watch their movies.  

Next Food Network Star: Recap

This is for Alex. I know that I say that about most of the things I post, but really, this is for Alex because no one else is going to care. I can pretty safely say that we are the only people who get really, really invested in the reality television show The Next Food Network Star (Sundays @ 9 pm). Alex had to miss the season premiere because he was busy being at college, and I told him that I'd fill him in. Little did he know that I would do so in the form of a blog post. Welcome to what (I'm pretty sure) is the only NFNS recap ever. Unless someone else does this, in which case let's be friends.
OKAY. It was a good episode. The contestants had to cater a Food Network anniversary party and the stars were out! By "the stars" I mean Giada DeLaurentiis and Alton Brown (who always acts like a dick at these things. I wish Tyler Florence had been there because he is always so nice). Then the contestants were judged by Bobby Flay, the wonderful Bob Tuschman (hehe) and the strange but compelling Susie Fogelson. While no one grabbed me with the force of, say, an Aaron McCargo, Jr. (who had me at "What the heck's a hoopty?"), there were some serious characters on board. Some I liked, some I didn't like, some I forgot, and some made me uncomfortable. Let's meet them!

This is Brett:

I didn't like him on the show, on account of how he referred to all the females as "beautiful," but then I read his profile and found out he likes house music and his favorite movie is "Arthur(all of them)." You're back in the game, Brett, even though you make me a little uncomfortable. He seems kinda like a drama queen, though.

This is Debbie.

Oh, Debbie. Points for looking and sounding exactly like Margaret Cho (it doesn't look like it in this picture, but she totally does. Even Mom agreed, and I didn't think Mom knew who Margaret Cho was), but you were kind of a b. As a dessert, she bought already made angel food cake, told everyone to put jam on top of it, and then acted like it wasn't her fault. Whatever, Debbie.

This is Eddie.

I'm sure Eddie is a nice guy. I'm not trying to be a bitch, I mean I'm sure he is. But he made me SO UNCOMFORTABLE when I watched him on screen. You'll see what I mean next week.

This is Jamika.

I think she might win. She seems nice. That's about all there is to say.

This is Jeffrey.

Jeffrey is the fan favorite (the fans being me and Mom). We love Jeffrey. We gasped when he winked at judge Susie Fogelson. He's a charmer, and he's kind of strange, and he described some combination of flavors as a "creeping heat." Also, on his Food Network bio he writes, "I think I would have a better chance of living if you removed my heart versus my tongue!" That doesn't make sense, Jeffrey! You win! Work that giant mortar and pestle!

This is Katie:

Not much to say. Yet. Apparently one of her favorite shows is Californication, so things could get interesting I guess?

This is Melissa.

Melissa is very enthusiastic and she has lots of kids.

This is Michael:

I don't think I am alone when I say that Food Network needs a fabulous gay man, and Michael is here to get the job done. He is obviously one of the bigger personalities (I mean, look at him) but he seemed like he really cared about food, too. Also, here is something from his profile:
Favorite movies: House of Yes, because Parker Posey is a freak in it and I love her!

This is Teddy:

Teddy, I'm sure you are nice, but you are going to have to step it up because I forgot you were on the show.

And last but not least, Jen.

Sorry, eliminated. She made green beans and Bobby Flay didn't think they were fancy enough.

D. Lynch

Just making sure you guys have been following this.  Make sure you at least watch the Tommie Holliday episode.  Keep on truckin', David Lynch.

Monday, June 8, 2009

NPR Update

All sorts of goodies on All Songs Considered right now! Tomorrow night is a live concert by Winfrey family favorite Passion Pit, and there's an exclusive first listen of the new Sunset Rubdown album! Now you know.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was a car like my car?

Apparently, my new car can destroy robots!  Don't come crawling to me when the robot apocalypse rolls around.  

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Sometimes we all do things we're ashamed of. Maybe you
denied a gypsy a loan and then faced the consequences. Or maybe you hit a gypsy with your car while receiving a beej and suffered because of it. Or maybe the thing you're ashamed of doesn't have to do with gypsies at all, which is the category that my own personal shame falls under. I'm not happy about this, but none of us can change what's in our past. And I'm only telling you this because if I didn't, Alex would, okay? Listen, you guys...I read Twilight.

There I was, at Wal-Mart, buying the ingredients I needed for Chicken Tikka Masala. Then it happened. I was going through the self-checkout line, a $7.64 copy of Twilight in my hands. And so I read it. I felt dirty throughout the process, mostly because I try not to read things that my 11 year old cousin also reads. And I felt like, as the holder of an English degree, I should be upholding some sort of literature standard. But then I remembered that I read the entire Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series (there's something you needed to know about me), so who am I to act all high and mighty? So I read Twilight. There you go. It wasn't the worst book I've ever read. But it certainly wasn't the best. I mean, literally NOTHING happened in the first, oh, 350 pages of the book. And there were a lot of descriptions along the lines of "The mushrooms were good." Regardless, I read it. It happened. And I can't take it back.
P.S.- Don't keep hoping for a steamy vampire sex scene. It never happens (sorry).

Friend or Foe?: Bradley Cooper

H. and I saw The Hangover this weekend. Obviously. And, despite H.'s assertion that it was "good, not great," I am recommending it. Winfrey stamp of approval! Don't believe all those bullshitty things people say about this being a frat boy movie or whatever. Zach Galifianakis is in this movie, so see it. Maybe you and your date will be the only ones in the theatre that laugh at everything he says, but it's okay. But I really want to point out a couple of questions this movie brought up. The first is probably unanswerable: How does Heather Graham stay so young? And the second is this: How do I feel about Bradley Cooper?

He's essentially made a career out of affable douchiness, which is something that I usually hate because I have a hard time separating real-life people from the characters they play. But he does seem charming, doesn't he? And he's been in some great movies. But he's also been in a few too many romantic comedies. Bradley Cooper, you confuse me. I'll probably have to do some more research, but I'll let you know about my findings.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that The Hangover has a few Zach Galifianakis in-jokes (the name Marcus, just to mention one) which should be quite pleasant to discover if you're a fan of his standup!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nostalgia Kick

I was cleaning out my old e-mail account today when I came across the best treasure a girl could find: e-mails from a 14 year old Alex. He might get mad at me for posting these, but I think of these as my gift to the world. They're sort of a proof that Alex has always been funny, and he's been cracking me up since he was a baby, but it was only when I went to college that I got the e-mails to prove it. I edited out the names of any innocents and picked out the funniest excerpts for you, the viewing public.

This was when I ordered some Andy Warhol postcards for Dan and accidentally sent them to the house instead:
"You are going to receive some flak for the weird homoerotic pictures you sent home. I was watching TV and mom was like, "Alex come here." Then I went into the living room and she was like, "Would you care to explain this?" and it was a picture of a big penis made out of a bunch of hearts and some weird crap. So expect a call."

This was when Mom found out I told Alex I was dating H. before I told her:
"I think she got kind of mad because she was like, "Well when did she tell you? Did she tell you not to tell Mom?" Oh well. I was like, "Listen here ya old @#$% I don't go reportin' news to you like I'm some type of news bearing @#$% !" Needless to say I am grounded for three years. "

This was when Alex wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies because he was 14. And he was really afraid of getting into trouble:

"Don't tell mom or dad but I watched Donnie Darko. It was wicked. I really liked the part with Head over Heels. Don't say anything about it in e-mail, because mom always reads my e mail and then she would know I saw it, I have to cover my tracks."

This was when Alex started a new class with a teacher he didn't like very much:
"Then she said, "Oh, you're that makes the movies," really tiredly like that was a really exhausted thing to do. I was like, "I make films mam. I eat movies for breakfast." Then she was all like, "Oh yeah I saw one...the one about you finding a treasure box or something," she said this like it bored her to death. Then she said, "I'll bring a TV in so we can watch this," the way someone would, "Hey I brought Deuce Bigalow so we can mock it to death." Then (Name Redacted) was all, "Oooh Mrs. Theisen I read The Catcher in the Rye(pouty face)I don't understand it(Ricardo voice).
But before this great story was even brewing, the exact minute I stepped off the bus, Mrs. Claus shot to my side and said, "I'm going to have to ask you to go to the office and call your house and have someone bring you a different pair of pants. Go there immediately." The voyage to the office was trying and full of danger, that is all I have to say about that. So then mom brought me new pants. I won't even tell you the story about the time I had to take my ripped pants off and put the new ones on! Oh man! I don't want to go into that right here.
Tulk to you latur
P.S. I heard it through the grape vine that there is a really hot Norwegian girl attending Clearfork. Rumor has it she came here for my blood."

And this one is my favorite. This is when Alex stayed home sick from school and wrote me an e-mail while in a wild fevered state:
"I had a mad fever and suffered weird fever dreams the night before. It was an all night kind of dream in which I was really hot and uncomfortable the whole time, but there was a lot of Charles Manson, or someone that looked/acted a lot like him. I cannot really explain it because it was so weird. It involved this Charles Manson like figure except the cult he led was devoted to warm blankets? Does that make any sense? They had all these weird writings and stuff and diagrams and he had all the places the blankets were most warm. IT WAS WEIRD. It ended up I got into the cult and wanted to get out, but it was too late. I'm not really sure what happened to me. I just woke up a lot and was really really hot. The image I have in my head is of this blanket that has all these lines across it, vertical and horizontal. These, Charles Manson explained, were the areas with varying degrees of hotness in the blanket. I do not like having a fever and there is no way I could adequately explain how strange that dream was. I watched Saved by the Bell today. It was an amazing two parter in which Kelly falls for her boss at work even though she is currently in a relationship with Zach. The big shock is when at the dance Zach does something nice for her and she says, "Oh, thanks Sean." or whatever. And Zach was just, "Oh you did not just call me Sean(that's the name of the manager at work)." It was an intense and emotional two episodes."

I miss Little Alex.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Celebrity Crush: Norm MacDonald

The premise of this new thing I'm starting is simple: post your celebrity crushes! One crush at a time, until we run out of crushes (we will never run out of crushes. I can keep this going forever, y'all). Crushes of either gender are fine, whatever, we don't discriminate around here. Just keep it dreamy.
To start us off, I decided to go back to the O.G. of my inappropriate celebrity crushes. I mean, all of my crushes are inappropriate and creepy, but this one especially so. I'll tell you why: I was super, super in love with Norm MacDonald when I was 14. I had his picture in my locker when I was in the eighth grade. That seems so weird to me now, but oh well. Other girls liked The Backstreet Boys, I liked comedians in their 40s (I still liked The Backstreet Boys, but more in a sad, trying-to-fit-in way). Here he is: dreamboat!

I decided to use that picture where he looks younger and kind of rockabilly so I wouldn't feel so creepy. It's pretty easy to see why Norm MacDonald is a Celebrity Crush. He's the funniest, duh. But really the reason we all have a crush on him is because he is so good at Million Dollar Password.

A Family Divided

I was going to go into a lot more detail here, but I will just post the video that inspired this post.  

The Hallway from The Hallway on Vimeo.

I'm sure she's a nice person.

Baby tested, Baby approved

Remember when Warner Bros (sworn enemy) was busting balls about Where the Wild Things Are being too scary for kids?  I guess that they were just wrong?  Or maybe this is just a brave baby.  

Trailer Reaction from We Love You So on Vimeo.


By now you know what music Alex and I are listening to. But I'm sure you're wondering about other Winfreys. I can't speak for Dad and Chase (yes I can: Mix 106 and Coldplay, respectively), but I definitely know what Mom's listening to because I was in the car with her for a long time this weekend. We listened to one CD: Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits (H. let her borrow it). Mom actually listened to her favorite song FOUR times. She has a vision of this being performed by Chase's high school marching band. We'll see, Mom. Here's TUSK.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Me likey

This song is pretty good.  The video is boring.  

Keep your ears peeled for the new Lovely Feathers album which is coming out tomorrow!


Ever since I listened to St. Vincent's concert on All Songs Considered, I've been obsessed with them/her. I know that Alex is not big on female singers unless their names rhyme with Blooey Schmeschanel, but basically I think you're stupid or tone deaf if you don't like this band. Obviously she's a good singer, obviously she's a good guitar player, obviously there's a horn section on this song, and obviously she's ridiculously gorgeous. This isn't my favorite song of theirs, but it does have a video, so it wins.

Film Review, Kind of

Let's talk about horror films for a moment. Do you love horror films? Of course you do. I mean, duh. If you don't, get away from here. You aren't welcome. Winfreys saw Drag Me to Hell this weekend, and we loved it. One of us saw it by himself, and the other one had to drag her boyfriend to see it (try to figure out which one was me! I included some helpful context clues). One of the things that Alex and I noticed about DMTH was that it isn't like a lot of horrible new scary movies. Par example:
1. No shitty nu-metal soundtrack.
2. It was actually nice to look at, unlike a lot of new scary movies that are all grey and brown.
Of course this movie reminded me of Evil Dead, but it reminded me a lot more of Suspiria. Not just because the opening scene took place in, like, some giant ballroom place. It has a female lead, nice colors, interesting music. Agree/disagree?
All of this leads me to this. Have you ever wanted to know what Edgar Wright thinks of the American trailer for Suspiria? Probably not, but this is kind of a neat concept. I love trailers.

If He's Told You Once

Sorry to post so much Richard Simmons info in such a short period of time, but can you really ever get enough Simmons? Don't answer that. Just watch. And actually pay attention this time, okay? Because frankly, Richard Simmons is getting sick of telling you.


Winfreys have a weakness for sax solos, and Winfreys also very often get soft rock stuck in their heads (I might just be talking about THIS Winfrey). I'm off work today (three-day weekend, y'all!) which normally means I try not to listen to any soft rock, but this song is just calling to me. I just have to accept that it is my lot in life to constantly let blog readers know what soft rock songs are awesome. You're welcome. This one is good because:
1.) Tons of sax.
2.) It was written specifically for Miami Vice.
3.) As someone who does not live in a city, I can only assume that this is exactly what city life is like. Am I right?
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