Friday, November 21, 2008


Here I am everyone.  2 hours until my final, and I can't stop it with this video.  It's what the Winfrey house calls a Golden Oldie.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Much Better With the Farts

If you are a person that has inadvertently stumbled across the Talented Winfrey Family and you only have time to watch one video (I am talking about Hollis), make it this one. I'm sincerely sorry for not posting this earlier. Here at Winfrey Family HQ, we love a good fart joke. That's a lie. We just love a fart joke, it doesn't have to be good. Any old fart joke will do. But this is, actually, a genius idea: Paula's Farty.

I'm shocked that we haven't mentioned Paula yet! She is our Winfrey Family Muse. Although I do have to agree with Youtube user Quikgamer: "This is much better with the farts." Isn't everything, Quikgamer?


Alex just sent me this video that he made for Twilight.

First off, I want to just say GREAT JOB to my little bro for making such an awesome video. I thought you were studying for finals all week! I didn't even know you had another Youtube account, but I guess parisbabyhott1 HAS been your family nickname since you were born (we all have them, based on a city/stage of life/temperature/number template). I like how you added those green curtains at the beginning and end. Nice touch, and a little Lynchian. And I'm also glad that you found a way to use all of those Twilight icons you've been making and sending me on facebook.

Then I found this, about the Ultimate Twilight Fan Search:

Stop the search! I found the ultimate fan, and his name is parisbabyhott1.

Twilight Everybody!

Kerry keeps yammering on about this movie called Twilight, which I guess is based on a book or something?  Just kidding.  But seriously, stop talking about Twilight.  At the Winfrey house, we have a strong dislike of the actors and actresses involved in the film, and guess what.  I found Robert Pattinson's five favorite films

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Office kind of

The truth is, I should be studying.  I've got several big finals coming up, and I need to do well.  However, I discovered a new phenomenon brought to you, once again, by GodTube.  Don't ask me how I found it.  All you need to know is what it is.  It's called The Church Office.  It's pretty much what it sounds like.  It's just like The Office, but it takes place in a church office I guess.  The thing is, there are tons of these.  It seems like everyone has their own The Church Office.  Some are exact remakes (reimaginings) and others create their own stories.  What I'm saying is, if you ever get a free day, get on GodTube, skip past all the atheists in hell videos, and immerse yourself in The Church Office universe.  Enjoy.

Mostly for Hollis

I created this post to give all of you a heads up about an awesome new video sharing website: JewTube.  I know.  I didn't think it existed either, but it does and this video is on it.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is just a little trailer for y'all.

I realized that I could watch an entire movie composed of still frames of Sylvester Stallone (preferably in the middle of a riot).  I wish they still made trailers like this. 

Twin Beaks

Sorry to our multitude of readers (I'm sure you number in the twos!) for posting something that is really only interesting to me and Alex (and even then, only marginally interesting to Alex), but this needs to be shared with the world. Just the fact that Sesame Street made a Twin Peaks parody called Twin Beaks is funny enough, but the best part is the bird named David Finch. DAVID FINCH, can you believe it?? No, because you don't care.

So that was great, but can I point out what a dumbo the first commenter is? Sure, it would be a great idea for Elmo to dress up as a midget and dance. And it would also be awesome to have Sesame Street's Bob, known for his calm and gentle demeanor, dress up as a denim-suit-wearing, long-haired, sadistic soul killer (oh, oops, spoiler) that gave me, a 22 year old, horrific nightmares.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A little GodTube for y'all!

Did I go on GodTube and just type in "grandmas"?  Maybe I did.  Should I be studying for finals?  Yes, but Kerry has been on my back about this stuff, so here you go.  I love the wacky music in the background.  It totally sets the mood.  The kid is so sassy, especially when he looks at the camera and says, "She's the king...of all of 'em," while shaking his head.  Look at those eyes.  He's daring you to challenge him.  Without question though, my favorite part of the video is the incorrect link at the end.  It tells you to visit Kids  I think they misspelled "Grandmas".  

Christmas Wrapping

Yesterday I heard the song Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses, and I wanted to find a video of it because I was curious about what the band looked like. But instead I found this, which is way better! At first you might think, Why am I just looking at someone's darkened assortment of Texas-shaped Christmas ornaments, but it gets better. Okay, it doesn't get better, but it does involve animals. To be honest, this is about the level of video editing I would be able to do. Just kidding--I couldn't get a hat to change colors like that. Trippy!

I think I am going to send this out to people instead of Christmas cards. But I am a little concerned at the shot of that man lying in the snow that's interspersed with all the dog and cat shots. He looks very "To Build a Fire"-esque.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gettin' Paid

We are in the planning stages of a new business venture. I don't want to say too much until it's finalized, but rest assured that if all goes according to plan we are going to be diving into a pit full of gold dubloons, Scrooge McDuck style.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Zombi 3: Electric Boogalee

Alex sent this to me awhile back. It's a trailer for the movie Zombi 3. It's awesome for the following reasons:

1. It's nearly 3 minutes long.
2. It's called Zombi 3.
3. The music.
4. Duh.

I think youtube user lucypunch said it best 7 months ago: "Shitty movie, but still good to watch."

Pizza review

I found this by just typing "pizza review" into youtube.  I'm glad I did, because now I know where to send in my resume.  Verbal skills not so great...because my mouth is always full of fuckin' pizza.  Oh, if you don't hire me I don't know who will.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Puppy Porn

This looks just like the puppy on the Muppets! You know the one (you meaning Alex). Also, that video has over 16,000 views, despite only offering one puppy. Forget tagging your youtube videos with "lesbians," you need to go for "puppies." Also again, the people in this video have some annoying laughter. Watch it on mute, like puppy porn.


I love documentaries. I also love creative types. I really love documentaries about creative types, especially when said creative type is my favorite director/human being David Lynch. This is the trailer for the documentary, simply titled Lynch. The fact that there is a documentary about David Lynch is the reason I wake up at morning, secure in the knowledge that there must be some good in the world after all. I am thinking about transforming this never-read blog into a sort of Lynchspace, wherein all Lynchformation can be deposited and perused. Maybe someday, but for now here is the trailer for nobody to watch since nobody reads this blog.


This blog is now a place where Winfreys can share important videos. Namely, youtube videos of puppies, put to a soundtrack of Sixpence None the Richer's "Kiss Me." Alex e-mailed this to me, with the subject line, "Did someone read our minds and then make this video?" I think that is exactly what happened.

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