Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Wrapping

Yesterday I heard the song Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses, and I wanted to find a video of it because I was curious about what the band looked like. But instead I found this, which is way better! At first you might think, Why am I just looking at someone's darkened assortment of Texas-shaped Christmas ornaments, but it gets better. Okay, it doesn't get better, but it does involve animals. To be honest, this is about the level of video editing I would be able to do. Just kidding--I couldn't get a hat to change colors like that. Trippy!

I think I am going to send this out to people instead of Christmas cards. But I am a little concerned at the shot of that man lying in the snow that's interspersed with all the dog and cat shots. He looks very "To Build a Fire"-esque.

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