Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Celebrity Crush: Norm MacDonald

The premise of this new thing I'm starting is simple: post your celebrity crushes! One crush at a time, until we run out of crushes (we will never run out of crushes. I can keep this going forever, y'all). Crushes of either gender are fine, whatever, we don't discriminate around here. Just keep it dreamy.
To start us off, I decided to go back to the O.G. of my inappropriate celebrity crushes. I mean, all of my crushes are inappropriate and creepy, but this one especially so. I'll tell you why: I was super, super in love with Norm MacDonald when I was 14. I had his picture in my locker when I was in the eighth grade. That seems so weird to me now, but oh well. Other girls liked The Backstreet Boys, I liked comedians in their 40s (I still liked The Backstreet Boys, but more in a sad, trying-to-fit-in way). Here he is: dreamboat!

I decided to use that picture where he looks younger and kind of rockabilly so I wouldn't feel so creepy. It's pretty easy to see why Norm MacDonald is a Celebrity Crush. He's the funniest, duh. But really the reason we all have a crush on him is because he is so good at Million Dollar Password.

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