Monday, February 23, 2009

Da Oscars!

As Alex already said, it's obviously too late for an Oscars liveblog. But little did you know, we have our own equivalent of a liveblog every year during the Oscars! It's called a "conversation," and it occurs via text. Of course we only discuss the deepest of shit. Here are some of Alex's pithy bon mots that I wanted to share with the world:
9:16 PM: Nice T's, SJP.
9:38: How long do you think it will take for Danny Boyle's chubby to die down?
10:06: Does he have weird eyebrows.

Ooops, I must've deleted all the insightful comments about film and just left the ones about boners, boobs, and eyebrows. Oh well! You get the picture. Also, we texted about the wonderful cookies Mom made, which maybe wasn't related to film but was just straight up fact.

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