Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is the last time I'm gonna talk about this

I would just like to note something on the topic of my previous post: Apparently, everyone on my facebook friends list is also watching the MTV awards! I don't feel quite as lame now, except that I still totally do. Also, some dude's status was, "Just remember everyone...Kanye voted for Obama." I'm not sure what that means. I have a feeling it is supposed to be an insult to people that voted for Obama, but I'm really not sure. The real question here is...why am I still facebook friends with someone that dated a high school friend of mine for about two months four years ago?
Also, Russell Brand just made a date rape joke about Megan Fox and no one liked it. Poor Russell Brand. He is trying so hard to make MTV offensive and it is barely working. MTV should get a host with morals, you know?

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