Saturday, September 12, 2009


On Thursday night, I watched Eraserhead for the first time. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, But aren't you always talking about how much you love David Lynch? Actually, you aren't thinking anything, because you aren't anyone, because no one reads our blog. But still. It doesn't make much sense that I love David Lynch, yet I haven't seen his first film, the one that notoriously took him years to finish, the one that made him famous, the one that the government included in the National Film Registry because it is "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
Well, yeah, but listen...David Lynch has a finite number of films, and once I finish them, I finish them. It's the same reasoning behind why I didn't read every Lorrie Moore book in one week. I like to know that there are still David Lynch movies out there that I haven't seen.
So I watched Eraserhead, finally. This clip sums up the experience:

You will probably enjoy it, if you're in the right mood. There was actually one scene in the movie that was almost too gross for me to watch. If something makes me say out loud, "Oh, gross," then I know it has been effective. Seal of approval!

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