Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Freaks and Geeks!

You may or may not have known this, but I love Freaks and Geeks. I had it on DVD, and then I didn't have it on DVD anymore. Somehow, someway, I'd lost it, a fact that came to light at a remarkably inconvenient time (20 minutes before going to a Freaks and Geeks viewing party). For about two years I drove myself crazy looking for it, but after going through two moves and packing/repacking all of my material possessions, I had to face facts. It wasn't just misplaced, it was gone. Alex swore that his friends didn't have it, and I knew that none of my friends had it. H. and I were convinced that a certain friend of his had stolen it.
And then, this weekend, it came back into my life.
It turns out one of Lexie's friends had it! Unbeknownst to me, Alex spent the past few months trying to get it back. Apparently getting someone to return a DVD is akin to hostage negotiations. You can't just barge in there and make demands, you've got to smooth talk 'em. Or so I assume. Either way! Let's not dwell on the anger or bitterness. Instead, let's celebrate.
Here's a clip of Bill Haverchuck dancing. Incidentally, this is exactly how I dance. Come on, shake it! You won't break it!

Martin Starr is such a good actor, it blows my mind away. He is truly a mindfreak. How can he act like he does in Adventureland and act like this here? So good! Anyway, if you like Freaks and Geeks (you do, right? If not, who are you and why are you reading our blog?), do yourself a favor and read Paul Feig's Superstud. You'll be pleased and horrified to discover that Freaks and Geeks was almost entirely based on his real life.

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