Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm assuming you've heard about the J.D. Salinger lawsuit. Apparently, some guy wrote a sequel to The Catcher in the Rye and J.D. Salinger got pissed (people should know not to mess with notorious recluses). So he sued him. Good for you, J.D. Salinger. You are striking a blow on behalf of people everywhere who are tired of shitty knockoffs of classics. Anyone who's been to a bookstore lately (probably not J.D. Salinger) knows that there are countless books based on the lives of characters from Gone With the Wind, Jane Eyre, and (of course) Pride and Prejudice. Seriously, Target stocks like 50 books and about 25 of those have the words "Mr. Darcy" in the title. Who wants to read about the less important Bennett sisters? Or about what Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth did after they got married? Those books should all be retitled Yawn. Zzzzzz. Oh, Sorry, I Fell Asleep While I Was Reading Your Fanfiction.
But anyway. I know that I could easily look up the title of this Catcher in the Rye knockoff (I guess there's this thing called Google?), but I choose not to. Instead, here are some guesses as to what the title is:
Catcher in the Rye 2: Still Catchin'
What I Caught in the Rye
Catcher in the Barley
Probably No One Would Have Paid Attention to This Book if it Weren't for J.D. Salinger's Lawsuit

Catch-22 (already taken, so now there could be two lawsuits)
I'm sure you have some ideas. Let me know!

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