Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mama Winfrey

I like to give you guys a Mama Winfrey update every now and again. And by "update" I really just mean a song that she likes. Her taste in music never ceases to confuse and astound me. We already know she likes Tusk (Tusk!). She also tends to, for some reason, like songs that are either about being severely heartbroken or engaging in meaningless sex (sometimes both). Mama Winfrey is full of contradictions. She generally disapproves of any kind of vaguely immoral conduct from us, but her hypothetical iPod playlist points to the wild child hidden inside (I should note that she also listens to a lot of Josh Groban, so, you know).
Last week she told me that she loves this song, "I Didn't Mean to Turn You On" by Robert Palmer. Full disclosure: I actually get really excited whenever this song comes on the soft rock radio at work. Maybe to you it doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but it seems radically different from the schlocky ballads I spend most of the day listening to. Quietly sinister is an apt description, I think. I also have a soft spot for Robert Palmer. His devotion to that strange aesthetic is really something else, don't you think? And on top of that, he was a pretty good looking guy. I mean, it is believable that he would accidentally turn someone on whilst only trying to be nice (only tryna be nice). He told you twice, okay?
This video won't embed because, like I've said before, music companies don't understand the way online promotion works. So here's the link.

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