Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Game

Here's another fun game to play at a party (and again, by at a party I mean with your brother). This one's a little more inclusive than Nicolas Cage Off. It's 20 Questions: TV Character Edition.
It's exactly what it sounds like. 20 Questions, but your picks have to be characters from television shows. We've only played this a couple times, but so far it's been weird and wacky. Some of my picks have been Kimmie Gibler from Full House and D.W. from Arthur. Some of Alex's picks have included Luke's sister from Gilmore Girls (surprisingly hard to figure out) and Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs (surprisingly easy to figure out). Some good questions to ask when you're trying to figure out a name include: What decade was the show from? Is it animated? Is the character in high school? And a great question to start with is always "Is it Roseanne?" You never know. It might be Roseanne, and it's just good to get that out of the way.
This game is best played between people who have roughly the same television frame of reference. For example, someone you grew up in the same house with, maybe.

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