Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here is a fun game to play at a party (by "party" I mean when you're hanging out with your brother). It's called Nicolas Cage Off.
The rules are pretty simple. You alternate naming Nicolas Cage movies until one of you runs out of titles. The last one to say a Nicolas Cage movie wins. For example! If Alex were to challenge me to a Nicolas Cage Off, I would accept. One of the rules of the game is that you always have to accept. Then I would name a Nicolas Cage movie. "Moonstruck," I would say. Alex would counter with another Nicolas Cage movie. "Matchstick Men," he would say. And so on and so forth until I can't think of anymore Nicolas Cage movies and Alex wins.
The last time we played this game was two or three years ago. I've been doing my research, waiting for the right time to pounce.
Oh yeah: this game isn't any fun to play with people who don't know that much about Nicolas Cage. Sorry.

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