Monday, October 19, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

Winfreys have a weird relationship with film criticism. We love reading movie reviews, but few things make us more mad (at least this Winfrey). At this point, we've all seen Where The Wild Things are, and we realize that it was a really great film. Well, I've been slowly stoking the hate fire all weekend by reading reviews for it. I loved this movie. It's definitely an important movie, and people that don't like it just don't like it, and that's fine or whatever.
What's not fine or whatever is people that don't understand film criticism. You can't give this film a negative review because it isn't something else. This is like asking Papa Winfrey what he thought of the pork chop he had for dinner. He's not going to like it, and nothing he says about it is going to change the pork chop, and he realizes this. Obviously people are going to have opinions and feelings about a movie (especially an adaptation), but regardless of what they say, the film is in its final form, and it will never change.
There are people that say the film isn't whimsical enough, or don't like the furry suits, or didn't like the narrative structure, or didn't like the color scheme. There are entire reviews that consist of, "Well the hipsters are going to love this one." And shouldn't people review this as a film, not as whatever they would have done with the adaptation? It's so frustrating to see a movie that is so completely different from anything that you've ever seen before, and then go home and read reviews that criticize everything that is unique about it, and go on to make suggestions on how to improve the film. I always wonder what the detractors of classic films had to say when they were first released.
I really do feel like this will become a classic film. It's one of the most visceral and emotionally complicated movies that I have seen in a long time, and I'm sure that you've already all seen it, but if you haven't you really should. Even if you don't like it, it's something pretty to look at for 101 minutes.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I laughed out loud at the Papa Winfrey/pork chop analogy. good work.

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