Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Polanski Talk, Sorry

FINALLY, someone has the balls (i.e., the public forum) to say what we've all been thinking (i.e., what I've been bitching about): that stupid "Free Roman Polanski" petition is NOT signed by a bunch of "Hollywood insiders." The vast majority of those people don't live in Hollywood, and even the ones who do are super out-of-the-mainstream weirdies. It's just a factual error that bugs me everytime I see it, which is often. Especially on the Fox News headlines that pop up on Google News. They always say something to the effect of, "Hollywood elite rally behind Polanski." Well, okay, except that no real big-money-making directors have signed it. And the big names that have mostly are New York based. You know how Woody Allen is, always making films about Hollywood and how much he loves it! Oh wait. That is inaccurate. Oh well, put it in the article anyway. (That was my impression of someone who writes news articles.)
Anyway, the guy that wrote "A History of Violence" wrote an essay about it, and it's interesting.

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