Sunday, October 11, 2009


I've been doing a lot of thinking about what it will take to make this blog hit The Big Time. We're amusing, right? And we routinely scoop other sources on the really important stories, like Werner Herzog's film school and Crispin Glover's weird music video. But we still only have one reader. Do you think it has something to do with the fact that we only write about our weird niche interests? Well, I am through with that, and I'm going to drive traffic to our blog the old-fashioned way (is it old-fashioned? I don't know): Celebrity Gossip! I have about 4 items of celebrity gossip (I'm sorry, I actually mean "celebrity gossip") that I can't wait to share with you. We are going to set the internet on fire. I hope you're ready for what you're about to witness. Here is some gossip:

My source tells me that before she hit the big time with Everybody Loves Raymond, Patricia Heaton visited his church. Apparently she grew up in the area and came back to see her family. My source approached her and told her that he loved her work in Beethoven, which had recently come out, and she was very gracious.
So Patricia Heaton seems nice! Or at least she did about 10 years ago! GOSSIP!

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