Friday, October 2, 2009

When Alex Watched When The Levees Broke

So, I'm watching When The Levees Broke for a class. I need to write a paper about a ten minute segment of the film. I'm a little surprised that I like it. Not in a weird way. Not like my facebook interests are, "9/11, The Holocaust, Hurricane Katrina". I don't like watching it, but now that I've started it, I feel kind of compelled to finish it. All four hours of it. Remember? It's a Requiem in Four Acts? For the most part it's really well done. There are some issues with it, one being that it's four hours long. Four hours of anything can become tedious. Four hours of this would probably get old. Anyway, you should probably watch it and learn about some horrible stuff. Stuff that these people apparently did not learn. Some people are fucking dicks. Did they really watch all four hours of this?

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