Sunday, May 30, 2010

Go Kendra, Go Kendra, Go Kendra

By now, everyone knows Kendra Wilkinson has a sex tape. Unless you don't know who Kendra Wilkinson is because you don't have a mother who occasionally fell asleep to episodes of The Girls Next Door. That show was kind of hypnotizing, right? The girls' lives were whitewashed into some semblance of normalcy, making it really easy to forget that they were all living in that mansion in exchange for having sex with the same decrepit old man. Yet they looked like they were having fun! Kendra especially. So, sure, she has a sex tape out now, but you can find some way more interesting videos on Youtube. Like this one, which raises so many questions. Like, what is the intended audience for this video? It's not sexy or naked enough to compete with the wealth of porn on the internet. And it's not really informative enough to qualify as an instructional dance video. And WHY that song??

"Okay, that's it, I'm gonna show you some martial arts next!" -Kendra
Just for good measure:


Alex said...

This is so good.

Kerry said...

I knew you'd love it! Hopefully you can recreate this dance, as well.

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