Sunday, May 23, 2010


Robbie Dupree certainly has been in the news lately! Not that he's news to us; we've been jamming to Dupree's hit "Steal Away" for years, thanks to Papa Winfrey's smooth rock vinyl collection. You can see why we were attracted to this cover:

It just screams (or whispers) smooth! As you might remember, Alex has a notorious beef with Dupree over a little music licensing disagreement. Really, though, I think that the Robster was only the pawn in a WMG-orchestrated bad-business scheme.
The man's certainly been productive lately. Not only does he have a new album coming out, but Steal Away is featured on the MacGruber soundtrack, as well as the soundtrack of whatever that new artsy Jim Carrey movie is called. Jimmy Fallon, yacht-rock enthusiast, also took an interest in the greatness that is Steal Away, and Robbie Dupree performed on his show Friday night! It was really wonderful, not only because Jimmy's Michael-McDonald-inspired backing vocals seemed to be making the other backup singers laugh, but because Robbie Dupree was really great! It's such a disappointment to hear a singer once known for their falsetto strain to reach the notes that once came easily (Supertramp is a good example), but Robbie Dupree still sounded great, and he seemed like he was having a lot of fun. Also, duh, The Roots! Here's
the performance on Hulu. I can't stop watching it! Let the Dupreenaissance continue. Obviously I am really proud of that pun.

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