Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My favorite television character Special Agent Dale Cooper once said, "Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."
I live my life with this in mind. Usually I opt for hot black coffee over the shirt from the men's store, but sometimes my present to myself is something else entirely. Today, it's this video.

The cast put Pretty in Pink way above the rest of the 80's teen movie crop. From Harry Dean Stanton's tender bum of a dad to Andrew McCarthy's eye-twitching heart-throb to Jon Cryer's brilliant portrayal of the high school outcast I only wish I knew when I was 17, the casting choices were flawless. But H and I have our own favorite character; James Spader's Steff, who wears his shirt perpetually unbuttoned to the navel (sometimes not buttoned at all!) and saunters through the high school looking not a day over 35. We quote Steff a lot, but for some reason, no one else seems to appreciate him the way we do. When we saw PIP in a theatre, we were the only ones laughing at lines like, "What's her name, Eddie or something?" and "If we're gonna shoot, we've gotta shake it," and our personal favorite, "You're gonna be late, buddy." I'm glad this video exists, because it proves that someone else in the world appreciates the wonder and bitchiness that is Steff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Steff...beyond a doubt my favorite PIP character. He was smarmy and such a jerk, but he had at times a bit of a fragile quality and was not as sure of himself as he pretended. James Spader nailed this role even if he was a bit too old to be a teenager. I am definitely a pro-Steffer.

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