Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lots and Lots of Rocks

Based on that title, Alex knows what's coming.
When we were little, Alex absolutely loved the Olsen twins. They had this series of videos where they were detectives, or "super duper snoopers," to use their wording. They had an office in (I think) a treehouse, and their tagline was, "We'll solve any crime by dinnertime." Alex practically wore out the VHS. Each video was, like, 15% mystery, 15% weird acting, and 70% awesome songs. Alex reminded me of this song recently, and oh MAN is it bad/wonderful.

First off, who is their vocal coach? The Olsens were just children and cannot be held responsible for those heinous singing choices. Randy Jackson would say, "Yo yo yo dawg, for me for you, you took some liberties with the melody. Pitchy, dawg." And secondly, I feel terrible for the lady who played the librarian. She had to muster up a Tawny Kitaen-in-a-Whitesnake-video level of enthusiasm for a song about rocks written for children.
Also, while we're talkin' Olsens, this one is the jam.

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