Thursday, January 21, 2010


This is old news/a month old, but wow. The A.V. Club interviewed Gallagher. You know, the comedian. The one who smashed things.
He is kind of a jerk! It's surprising how much of a jerk he is. It really makes you long for the candor and humility of, say, a Bronson Pinchot.
Sample quote:
And so we don’t really have a high level of performance in America, or even a demand that people onstage have studied, or pay attention to the performing arts. You can actually take a drink now during your show! You know, George Burns performed smoking a cigar, and never needed a drink of water on a stool. But now this has become a tradition in America. They more or less have a stool ready for you and ask, “What water ya want?” To me, as a visual artist, everything that’s in the picture should have meaning—what does a stool and a bottle of water mean?
And he just goes on in that vein for paragraphs on end. Gallagher, everybody. Ugh.

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