Monday, January 4, 2010

Book Club: January

December's book club pick (20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill) was a smashing success. Which is to say, we both actually read it, unlike some recent selections. It was a short story collection, and, to be honest, the quality varied from story to story. There were some I really loved and a couple that I really, really hated. But the first story ("Best New Horror") was one of the scariest, creepiest things I've read in a very long time.
Alex can feel free to write more about Joe Hill if he so wishes, but as for me, I'm moving on to the next. January's pick is We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson.

Look at that beautiful cover! This edition features an introduction by Jonathan Lethem, who, just warning you, comes across as kind of an asshole! I'll try not to hold that against the book, though. If you've been thinking about joining in, this would be a good month to do it (once again, I think it's just so cute how I pretend other people read our blog or would want to be part of our book club. Adorable). WHALITC (that is a great abbreviation!) is relatively short, and has already used the word "rot" several times in just the first few pages.

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