Saturday, January 23, 2010

For Alex

I remember almost every lyric to the Destiny's Child song "Nasty Girl." It came out when I was pretty young, and I remember my best friend and I listened to this album constantly. Destiny's Child really set themselves up as some sort of paragon of virtue, dignity, and integrity (as they remind us in the song), which seems strange given that Beyonce's musical career now revolves just as much around sex as it does around her vocal talent (we've all seen the video for Videophone, right?). It's really hard to believe that this wasn't ridiculous once. Or, I don't know, maybe it was always ridiculous. But it's still awesome.

Some of the best lyrics: "N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty. F-R-E-A-K-Y, you're freaky. Girl, where your prioriti-ies? Put some clothes on!" This is a serious jam, you guys.

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