Saturday, April 3, 2010


I recently watched Revanche. I'd only heard of the movie briefly when it was released, but it recently came out as part of the Criterion Collection, and, of course, it had a cool cover. It also had a very pretty trailer. Oh, and I guess it was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year at the 2009 Oscars or some such bullshit. I really enjoyed the film, and I would recommend it. Mostly I just wanted to post that trailer, because damn, that trailer's lookin' fine. There are some movie trailers that just get things so right they should donate a little bit to other trailers that don't quite have the goods. I guess what I'm saying is, really good movie, really great trailer (and cover).

Side note. Why does Criterion Collection kill it every time with their covers? Let's get these guys on every DVD cover.

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