Thursday, April 22, 2010

Alicia Silverstone

I've been on what could be called an "Alicia Silverstone kick" lately. Mostly I started reading her INSANE website, which seems like it might be written by a five year old. I don't really mean that as an insult, because Ms. Silverstone is just SO ENTHUSIASTIC about her vegan lifestyle, and really, what's so wrong with that? All of this led me to her book "The Kind Diet" because, I'll admit, I wanted to make fun of it. Also, I wanted some veggie recipes! I was left not so much with many recipes (have you ever seen daikon in your local market? Me neither), but I did learn a lot about Alicia.

1. Alicia Silverstone makes friends very easily.
"Deciding to follow a plant-based diet has introduced me to the most amazing individuals--so many of them kind, interesting, and awake. Wonderful people like Woody Harrelson...Right after becoming vegan, I was feeling sort of alone and disconnected. I had bumped into Woody at a number of events, but we'd never really talked, so one day I called him. "Woody," I said, "I'm so frustrated. I keep learning about food, and the planet, and I feel like I'm going crazy!"
After a moment he said, in his Woody way, "I'm taking a trip to Peru, down the Amazon. Wanna come? We're trying to save the rainforest."...Two months later, I met Woody Harrelson officially, for the first time, in the Lima airport. Three days later, he and Christopher were racing canoes down the Amazon, stark naked and paddling furiously...Vegan friends are the best."

2. Alicia Silverstone doesn't like what meat does to your insides.
It gets stuck down there, creating a funky, stuck, acid environment.

3. Alicia Silverstone recommends skimming the foam off your beans.
This foam is farty.

4. Alicia Silverstone will always tell you the truth.
Every time you purchase organic plant-based food, you are protecting the quality of the soil and participating in a more equitable distribution of resources. Conversely, every time you buy a mass-produced steak--packaged in Styrofoam and plastic--you are feeding a huge, unsustainable, toxic death machine. This may sound harsh, but it's the truth!

She is crazy and I love her. Obviously I'm not a vegan (there are these things called fried egg sandwiches), but I admire her enthusiasm. And the way she is a total weird hippie.
Somehow, this really funny video slipped by me. Whatever, Alicia Silverstone is the best!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this and you... equally.

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