Sunday, April 18, 2010

Attention All Men

I've got a hypothesis, and it goes like this: No straight man under 30 (possibly even under 40) knows who Carol Channing is. Back when I posted about the great Julie Klausner's Mommy Time, I found out that H. had no idea who Carol Channing was. I chalked this up to him just not knowing much about pop culture of the past in general. But then I found out ALEX didn't know who she was, either! Since then I have tested only one other male, but I've come to the conclusion that men just don't know who she is. Gay guys probably do, but maybe not. I plan on asking every man I encounter this very important, pressing question: Do you know who Carol Channing is? I can only hope that someone proves me wrong.
Carol Channing in doll form:

Carol Channing in real life:

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