Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Have Some Problems With Entertainment Weekly

Alex and I have long had a love/hate relationship with Entertainment Weekly. Mostly we feel this ambivalence about head film writer Owen Gleiberman, a.k.a. The Gleibs. He is merciless. He hates everything we love (comedy, horror) and usually only gives As to children's films (except for that time he hated Beverly Hills Chihuahua because it needed "more interesting chihuahuas."). But we still care what he thinks. In that way, he's a lot like an abusive boyfriend. We just keep coming back to him.
But Entertainment Weekly really cheesed me off the last couple of weeks. First, they had an article about how there were so many female directors. Seriously. That was the whole article. Women be directin'! But then, oh then, they dared to publish an article called "Horror Films...(the title is okay so far, in case you were wondering)...and the Women who Love Them!" The article was about, you guessed it, how women like horror films, and how this is so shocking, and what we never expected this it's all so confusing I thought they liked Sex and the City whaaaat? I can't type any verbatim quotes from the article because I already barfed all over it, but I can tell you about it. Here were the people they chose to interview for this really well researched article:
1. Diablo Cody, because she wrote a Megan Fox movie that, honestly, looks a little more action-y than horror-y to me.
2. Vera Farmiga, because she's in the Orphan (ugh) and I guess that qualifies her?
3. Sam Raimi. I love Sam Raimi as much as the next girl (I mean, way more than the next girl), but why did they interview him for this? Because he cast a female lead in his last film? I don't know.

So Diablo Cody did her usual thing (talked about herself whenever she was asked a question), Vera Farmiga gave some psychobabble bullshit answer ("Women are just more visceral and they like the excitement of being scared") and Sam Raimi was like, "Sorry, I'm too busy for this, I have to go direct another good movie."
Here were Entertainment Weekly's two reasons why women go see horror films:
1. There are often female leads, and women like to see other women beat the odds and be the last one standing. And...
2. Because they like to cuddle! With their boyfriends!

No, Entertainment Weekly. Just no. Here's an idea. Stop treating women like they're some sort of alien species. Why are you so surprised that women like horror films? What SHOULD we like? Matthew McCounaghey (whatever) movies only come out so often, okay? Maybe, and I'm sure this is shocking, women like horror films for the same reasons men do. Maybe it's just because they're fun, and because people in general enjoy getting a little rush of adrenaline when they are actually in a completely safe environment. You can try to reason it away with Psych 101 level bullshit all you want, but I like watching scary movies because I LIKE THEM. And as far as the whole cuddling thing goes, H. won't watch scary movies with me so I watch them with Alex (and sometimes Chase). Not a lot of cuddling goes on.
I will continue hating Entertainment Weekly until tomorrow when we get a new issue. I love Entertainment Weekly!

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