Monday, July 20, 2009

The Heartbreak Kid

This weekend, Alex and I unintentionally had an Anti-Marriage Movie Marathon by watching The Heartbreak Kid and Hannah and Her Sisters. Wait, The Heartbreak Kid with Ben Stiller, you're asking yourself? NO. The original 1972 film starring the (always) superb Winfrey Family fave Charles Grodin.

We learned a lot of things from this movie. Like, don't marry someone until you've:
1. Had sex with them.
2. Gone to the beach with them.
3. Watched them eat egg salad.
4. Heard them sing.
Just make sure you know what you're getting into, I guess. Do yourself a favor and don't watch this movie if you're about to get married. Oof, seriously. This movie will make you feel so much discomfort, misery, and despair that you won't even know what to do with yourself. But I mean that in a good way. Add in some wonderful tunes, a young Cybil Shepard, and Charles Grodin's ability to pull off clashing patterns and you've got a winner.
So why the hell would anyone feel the need to remake this movie? We don't know. This movie needed no remaking, since it's already perfect the way it is. But maybe you watched it and thought, "Instead of going to Miami for their honeymoon and being surrounded by old people, why don't we take them somewhere a little more fancy and less sad? Like Mexico? And can we make everyone, like, five times hotter? And how about instead of making the audience feel depressed and confused, we try to make them laugh by making disgusting jokes?" NO, FARRELLY BROTHERS. YOU JUST RUINED THE MOVIE. Roeper and Some Guy agree:

If you, like us, enjoy Charles Grodin, movies from the 70s, and laughing and feeling sad at the same time, you should probably watch The Heartbreak Kid. And if you don't, then you probably shouldn't be reading this blog.

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