Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter

I'm not a HUGE Harry Potter fan, but there is something magical about those films. You might say they cast a SPELL over me. I haven't read all of the books. Like the racist robots in Transformers 2, I don't do much readin' (of books about wizards), but I will gladly line up for the movies. The latest film has been out for a while, and you're probably thinking, "Alex, why haven't you seen it yet? Is something wrong?" Just shut up. I don't want to talk about it. The point of this post is that I am excited to see Harry Potter and the Unimportant Title. I found this glowing review on slashfilm.

"Hermione's tits is what did it for me ... the chick sitting next to me got so excited she started groping herself! that was some mean sh1t!"

And that's why I'm excited to see Harry Potter.

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