Friday, July 17, 2009

Restaurant Review: Melt

Last night, H. and I met up with College Friend L. and one of her friends at Melt in Lakewood. Have you ever been to Melt? Probably not, because you are Alex and I know for a fact you haven't been there. You know what Melt serves? Cheese, you guys. Grilled cheese sandwiches.
I read some reviews of Melt, and people complained about how long the wait was. Who cares, you know? If you don't want to wait to receive your food, then you should make your own grilled cheese sandwich at home and stay off of That being said, my Melt experience was overwhelmingly positive. H. ordered me some sort of mystery Rogue beer from the bar. Here is my one sentence review of said beer: it was light and it got me tipsy. And honestly the wait is NBD, because as you wait you're treated to Melt's charming ambiance (light-up holiday decorations! Graphic-novel-ish mural-things!) and also baseball was on, which H. appreciated because as you may or may not know he is in a fantasy baseball league at his grown-up job.
We ate outside on the patio and our waiter was a wonderful hippie with a weird shirt. Some sort of 80's station was playing, and my favorite-ever Prince song (I Would Die 4 U) came on, so I took it as a good sign. And listen...the food. You can get basically anything you've ever dreamed of on a grilled cheese sandwich. Eggplant. Bratwurst. Chorizo. Crab cakes. And pierogies! My Summer Chicken Sandwich was covered in havarti, whatever that is (just kidding. It's cheese). College Friend L. ordered a sandwich with a fried egg on it. Is this not the stuff of dreams? Everything was great (I am so good at writing about food!) and the portion sizes were huge. I'm already looking forward to eating the rest of my sandwich, even though it's 8 in the morning and I'm watching Saved By the Bell: The College Years and the last thing I should be thinking about is garlic-herb mayonnaise.
The Talented Winfrey Family highly recommends Melt. Grade: A, for delicious cheeses, large selection of beers with names I didn't pay attention to, delightful decor, and fabulous company.

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