Friday, January 9, 2009

Winfrey Review: David Lynch coffee

Let's get one thing straight: this is going to be an extremely biased Winfrey Review. I don't just LIKE David Lynch, I love him. And to be totally honest, I don't just love him, I am irrationally obsessed with him. I'm also irrationally obsessed with coffee, in the minimum-of-six-cups-per-day way, so I knew that I needed his coffee as soon as I found out it existed. H. bought it for me for Christmas and made my dreams come true.
I think this review is kind of a public service, since internet information about David Lynch's coffee is kind of scare. First off, I have the organic house roast, whole beans. I'm a big fan of whole beans, because I enjoy using the coffee grinder, but maybe you aren't, so I don't know. Don't get whole beans, then. Make up your own mind. You get the wonderful canister pictured above, which alone is worth the price you pay. When you open it, you'll see a bag full of coffee beans. I am too lazy to look up how big the bag is, but it's regular coffee bag size. And it smells really strong. So strong. But what about the coffee itself, you're asking. Well, Alex told me it would taste like, "What the fuck?" but it doesn't taste like anything trippy at all. It tastes like good coffee. Not too strong or weak, not bitter, just really smooth and perfect. It is some of the best coffee I've had, but you probably can't trust my opinion.


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