Friday, January 23, 2009

Aerial Pink's Haunted Graffiti

I'm thinking about buying an album by Aerial Pink's Haunted Graffiti.  Through my research I stumbled upon this glowing review, which sounds as if it were written by Aldous Snow.  In case you were wondering, it is in reference to his album, The Doldrums.
"A friend suggested that I pick up this CD, and after searching 5 record stores in NYC, I finally located the only copy at Virgin in X Square. So after a long day of work, I put this in and, on the first listen of the first track, I yelled "WTF WAS HE THINKING?!!?!".. but by the time I was finished with the second track, I think I 'got it'. I described it as the first time a girl ever sticks a finger up your arse when she is slopping away at a bj. You will be "WTF ARE YOU DOING?" but in just a few seconds you will be on a different plane of existance. And in a year, you will own an ASSortment of asstoys. This album is definitely an assfinger."

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