Friday, January 30, 2009

Breakin' 2: Electric SHABBA DOO

It's been a busy week, but Alex wants blog posts (he's a slavedriver) so here you go. This will pretty much finish up our retrospective of Films We Watched Over Christmas Break (unless you want us to go into the Peter Graves movie, and you probably don't). It's Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Alex bought it for me for Christmas, and it was worth whatever he paid. B2:EB stars Soandso "Shabba Doo" Soandso, Soandso "Boogaloo Shrimp" Soandso, and a white girl. Some evil corporate guy is going to tear down their beloved, rainbow colored community center/breakdance studio/American Apparel warehouse, so they are forced to do the only thing they can: dance to raise money! Of course it works. How could it not?
I tried to dig up some of the best clips. Of course our favorite clip isn't online (I didn't check. I'm just assuming), but here are some other goodies.
First off, this video is called "Crazy Bitch in Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo."

And THIS is a PSA done by Shabba Doo, who was apparently forced to do this because of a DUI. So if you were thinking about doing a little boozing but wanted to know what someone with a ridiculous name thought about your choice, go ahead and watch this.

And this. Well, I didn't even watch all of this. But it's called "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo Funnys" so how could it be bad?

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