Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inland Empire

I watched Inland Empire by myself a couple of weeks ago, mainly due to the fact that H. won't watch David Lynch with me and Alex gave up on the movie about thirty minutes in. Actually, when I texted him to say that I was watching it, he texted back with, "I straight up turned that garbage off."
So, Inland Empire. I love David Lynch as much as the next girl (okay, so I love David Lynch waaaay more than the next girl), but Inland Empire is weird. And not weird like the rest of his movies. Weird like, why did he use that camera? And why is it three hours long? (Alex's response: "He forgot to edit it.")I tried to find the weirdest/scariest part on youtube to show the world, but apparently no one has posted it (hint: it's the part with Laura Dern's distorted face superimposed on the face of that dude she shoots. Oops, spoiler!). So instead here is this part, which pretty much sums up what you are getting into:

There's some cool music throughout, and I liked all the actors, but for me it just didn't feel like a movie. Although, Alex, I don't know how far you actually got in the movie, but there are definitely tits. And a monkey at the end. So maybe you might want to give it a second chance?

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