Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tammy Wynette

There are basically two types of music I like: dance music from the 80s (Prince, New Order, the song Electric Dreams) and traditional, old-fashioned country music (the type my grandpa calls "country-western"). One of my all-time favorite movies, Five Easy Pieces, featured a character named Rayette, played brilliantly by Karen Black. Rayette is obsessed with Jack Nicholson (who could blame her, even though he clearly doesn't give a shit about her), and in my tradition of identifying with the entirely wrong character in every movie, I felt a very deep connection to Rayette. She was constantly listening to Tammy Wynette throughout the movie, including this song. I love that Tammy Wynette is always decked out in sequins, even while singing such a sad, desperate song.

Also, this picture sums up all that is great about Five Easy Pieces:

Karen Black in an animal print coat, Jack Nicholson being a badass, and that crazy lady that Bob Rafelson puts in all of his movies. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and Netflix it now! It's on Instant Play.

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