Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Gleibs

The Talented Winfrey Family's favorite movie critic is and will always be Roger Ebert, but Owen Gleiberman is a close second (correct me if I'm wrong, Winfrey). He doesn't have the authority or the generosity of Ebert, nor does he have Ebert's near-lyrical descriptions. But he does know how to turn a phrase, that Gleiberman. As long as you're not asking him to review a horror film or any sort of physical comedy (he hates them, always), he gives every film a fair and thorough look. Including, apparently, music videos, specifically Lady Gaga's Telephone. It's an interesting article even if your interest in Lady Gaga is slight (as is mine). And did you know that The Gleibs was an English major? Strange but true.

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