Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Talented Winfrey Family's H.P. Lovecraft Book Club: February/March

I hope you guys weren't wondering what happened to The Talented Winfrey Family H.P. Lovecraft Book Club. It still exists--it will always exist, even if only in my mind (but probably not in Alex's). We've just kind of relaxed it a little. That's what you call it when you wait until the month is more than half over to pick a book, and then one of you can't even find a copy, right? Sure.
This month's selection was chosen by Lexie: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? I think the real question is Do Androids Have Electric Dreams? But I'm not the Philip K. Dick here, I don't make the rules/write the titles. This month's selection will more than likely be extending into next month, so you should read along with us. Do you like Science Fiction? Do you like the movie Blade Runner starring Mr. Harrison Ford? Then you will probably like this book! I imagined that you answered yes to those questions, obviously.
Mama Winfrey is in a real book club, i.e. one that doesn't just include her family members. The theme of the book club is Strong Women and they meet once monthly to drink coffee and chat. Mama Winfrey said most of the women there only read inspirational fiction and don't like the club's selections. Oftentimes, Mama Winfrey doesn't have time to read the book or else she just doesn't feel like it (Pride & Prejudice), so she just drinks the coffee. This month they're reading Mrs. Dalloway and I don't anticipate it going well. She tried to get me to join, but I informed her that I'm already in a prestigious book club and I just don't have time for two in my life. And anyway I only read inspirational fiction.
Basically the best picture:

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