Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All Sorts of Goodies

I know that here at The Talented Winfrey Family we like to joke around. But sometimes shit gets real! Example: some girl on my Facebook friends list joined a cause called "Tell President Obama We are Still a Christian Nation." My first thought was, "Wait, I thought causes on Facebook were supposed to be dedicated to helping sick children and puppies and the like?" And my second thought was, "What what what?" Here is the video she (and a whole lot of poeple on the Facebook group) are so pissed about:

Nope, sorry, bro! Too inclusive. Our Christian nation ain't buying whatever you're selling.
Anyway, sorry for sharing something that (while funny) is maybe a bit too infuriating. To compensate,or make things worse, here is something else that is also infuriating and hilarious! It's Norm MacDonald on the Letterman show right after he got fired from Weekend Update.

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