Monday, May 11, 2009

All Songs Considered

I think that everyone is either a song person or an album person. This point has probably been made before by someone much more pop-culturally savvy than me (probably Chuck Klosterman, because I was creepily obsessed with him in high school and sometimes his thoughts appear to me as if they were my own), but I still think it's true. I'm definitely a song person. I don't have a problem skipping past songs on an album, or playing a song on repeat until I can't stand it anymore (Alex can vouch for me...he remembers The Modest Mouse Incident of '04). This is all one long, rambly way of saying that I've started listening to All Songs Considered again! All Songs Considered might be the perfect show for people like me that get very attached to individual songs. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what my "dream job" might be (because, aimless schlub that I am, I have no idea), and I think Bob Boilen might have it. What could be better than hosting this radio show? I listened to this particular episode this weekend. It's from Valentine's Day and the theme is Lesser Known Love Songs. Give it a listen while you're studying! That last sentence was intended for Alex, but if you aren't Alex and you're also studying, feel free to imagine that it was for you!

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