Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In case you didn't know, Alex was home last week for spring break, which meant that the Winfreys convened at Winfrey Family HQ, good times were had, and everything was in its right place. There was no need for a blog because we could watch internet videos together.
But then he went back to school. So back to the blog! H. sent me this link last week because he knows me and he knows what I love: Martha Stewart, animals, Martha Stewart interacting with animals, and men who are a cross between Woody Allen and Rick Moranis. This is the second half of the clip, which maybe isn't as good as the first part, but it was the only part that I could find on youtube to embed here. And you pretty much get the point. That guy has a bird on his shoulder and that bunny is ignoring Martha Stewart. And even if you don't watch this all (which I know you won't), at least watch it starting at 4:15. Because you want to know what that guy's favorite books are. Try to guess his top three before you watch.

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