Monday, September 13, 2010

Man. This video.

I saw this video a while ago, and I'd been meaning to post about it. It's one of those videos that you never forget. It's also one of the few music videos that has actually scared me. It is directed by Eric Wareheim (and Fatal Farm worked on it!), which is strange. I guess I never really knew what he was capable of because of what he does with Tim and Eric and most of his other videos, but man. This is something. Seriously, watch it.

It looks so good. And it is so much more than just a shock I think. I can't explain it, but I know that I like it. There are parts of Tim and Eric that are creepy, and this video has something that I can't explain that I love in scary movies. What I'm saying is, Eric Wareheim, direct a horror film. Just think on it.

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