Thursday, September 30, 2010


Now hold on. Let's look at the title of the post. I know what you're thinking. "Alex, the implied swearing is uncharacteristic of you. Also, are you a douche now?" No. I'm not. I just wanted to make a post about one of my new favorite podcasts. That's right. WTF With Marc Maron. Now I know, I'm kind of late on this one. Everyone listens to this thing, right? Actually, wrong. In fact, I know that our primary reader, Kerry (also primary contributor), does not listen to this podcast. Listen to it, Kerry.
Kerry and I saw Marc Maron perform as part of the Stand Uppity tour with Andy Kindler and Winfrey family fav Eugene Mirman. I'll admit, I wasn't familiar with Marc Maron before the show, but his performance was good! So I found out about his podcast shortly after this and I gave it the ol' download. For some reason, at the time, I was not feelin' it. So I had a few episodes that sat in my iTunes for a year or two.
I just recently discovered it, and I've been burning through episodes. It's so good. Seriously, give it a listen. He's really open about everything in his life, and he talks about himself a lot, which is what I think originally turned me off from it. His guests are also really open. As much as I love Comedy Death Ray Radio (a LOT), those guys are always crackin' funnies! Scott Aukerman was on WTF and he hardly cracked any funnies. It was just a really good interview! The Judd Apatow episode is one of the best interviews I've heard. It's all so good.
Make sure you check out the Bob Odenkirk interview. If I find an interview with him, I straight up stop what I'm doing and listen to it/read it. That guy is my hero. Check it out you guys, seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this! I was so bored at work and I thought, "Let me look up that podcast Alex wrote about."

Now I'm listening to the Judd Apatow interview and I'm very much not bored!! I hope my supervisor doesn't notice how content and inefficient I am.

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