Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is just to say.

Can I just present another side of the 500 Days of Summer debate? Or I guess should I just introduce a new debate? The real question is, will H. like this movie? And the answer is "Der, yes." We're talking about a guy who loved Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.
But I think Alex's list of reasons to see this movie was missing something. Namely, that the movie has THIS GUY!

This guy rules. As an aside: Have you ever been to his Imdb.com page? He is in a lot of movies/shows about college.
You should know that in the Winfrey house, we have an unwavering belief that the two most beautiful women in the world are Beyonce and Zooey. Maybe this movie would be better with Beyonce, but at least it has 1/2 of the most beautiful women in the world. I don't have any of Alex's cynicism. But I also like the Smiths.

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