Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good News, Lily Tomlin...

You're off the hook (for now).  Guess who just made my shit list.  That's right.  Warner Music Group (WMG).  Why?  Oh, I don't know.  Maybe because they took my video down from the youtube.  I get on youtube, and I see this bullshit "Your video, The Double, may have audio content from Steal Away by Robbie Dupree that is owned or licensed by WMG." This ain't going to end any time soon WMG.  Mark my words.  As a side note, that means someone, somewhere, in some strange position had to watch the video.  I would love to hear what they thought.  

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Noooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! honestly they should just be glad that someone is bringing attention to robby dupree. maybe it was him that watched the video. maybe he's like prince, and he constantly combs youtube for any unlicensed use of his music.

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