Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, H. and I saw Norm Macdonald this weekend. This was only the second stand up show I've ever been to (the first being Eugene Mirman at Southgate House), and the first time I've ever been to a comedy club. Comedy clubs are weird, guys. You're supposed to eat 9 dollar chicken fingers while you watch comedy. Waiters and waitresses walk around in the dark, while the comedian is doing his or her act, and ask if you would like another rum and coke. It all seems strangely rude. But whatever! Norm Macdonald was hilarious, as I expected. Two things of note:
1. He said he was a Christian and I thought he was being sarcastic. Because I'm a bad person.
2. He made fun of Bill Maher and his dumb movie.
Then I got home and looked for a good clip to put on the blog, and I found this. Norm Macdonald was absolutely nothing like this last night. For one thing, he has found a jacket that doesn't make him look like he's in a Talking Heads video. If you ever get a chance to see him, you should go! But until then, Dave Coulier will be at the comedy club this week to tide you over.

1 comment:

Alex said...

You laugh, but Brian's brother is going to that show.

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