Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prepare to Cringe

When I in the 2nd grade, my family watched a lot of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. It's the kind of show my dad is into. I remember Dr. Quinn being mostly about medicine, as the title suggests. People got sick and she cured them, right? WRONG. This is a show about the hot, awkward love-making between Dr. Quinn and part Native-American (I think) macho man Sully. Recently when I was at my parents, Chase and I caught an episode of DQMW and I was totally floored by the amount of uncomfortable sex! There are few things I find less attractive than these two going at it, but I knew someone would have some Youtube montages. Duh. There are so, so, many Youtube montages.
Here's one of the worst/best, set to one of my absolute least favorite soft rock work songs.

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