Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Work Songs I Like

I'm starting a new blog series called "Work Songs I Like." As you probably know, I have to listen to soft rock at work. This is both a curse and a blessing. A curse because this station has a criminally small rotation, plays only the worst new music, and repeats, like, the same five commercials all day. A blessing because...okay, it is not actually a blessing! It's very rare that I actually hear a song I like. Sometimes I just have to take what I can get, and say to myself, "This John Waite song isn't so bad after all." I've grown to love this song, but it's sort of a prison love where I know I'm stuck with it so I have to learn to live with it. This video is super weird. Like, John Waite looks like he should be singing a different kind of music, and also what is with that girl?

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