Sunday, November 8, 2009

What the what?

If there's one thing we all love, it is this season of Parks and Recreation. It's knocking it out of the park this year. We especially love Nick Offerman's character, Ron Swanson. I was trying to find some video of Nick Offerman on youtube, and instead I found this AWESOME video.
I just wonder if these people still made these videos before the invention of youtube. Like, did they just make them and keep them on their home computer? When their friends came over, were they like, "Hey, you know that actor that we love, but have no relation to? I compiled a bunch of pictures of him and set it to some shitty song. Check it out!"

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Whoa...I had no idea they were married! It's weird to see how young he looks without a mustache...and I feel weird for watching this. That's a pretty choice Shania tune, though.

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